Wedding Love Stories
A love story. That’s pretty much your story, we all live in search of our soul mate, a companion that we enjoy, love, someone we can act silly with. The first time you met each other, you kind of knew that they were the one for you. You opened up, let go, and fell in love!
Will you be one of our love stories? We’d love to meet you and create a wedding film just for you!
Professional Filmmakers
There is a difference in filmmakers. We shoot with a cinematic style, smooth, detailed, artistic. Our lenses create soft bokeh backgrounds. Our scenes are cut with a flow to tell your story. {Some videographers come from the television news world, all scenes are in sharp focus from foreground to background, their camera moves zoom in and out, pan all over the place.} Thats not our style. We shoot with simple moves, allow the action to tell the story. We use film making equipment designed for our films. We shoot in natural light, and use the ambient light of a room to fill the screen. We love sun flares, windy days, nature.

Beautiful Technology
We offer a cinema style thats unique, capturing your big day from our professional perspective. We bring the same elements to our wedding films that you see in indie films. We utilize music from licensed libraries that gives your film a personal and current sound, mixed with audio takes from your day. We edit with a short film perspective, keeping your video simple and interesting. Short films last from 10 to 30 minutes, and keep your audience attentive. And todays streaming technology makes viewing your film on smart TV’s and computers simple and easy. No more searching for a lost dvd, just log in to your film and watch.